The Phenomenon and Mechanisms of the Distractor Previewing Effect
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.42030, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,823  浏览: 12,678  科研立项经费支持
作者: 牟兵兵, 李 顺:清华大学社科学院心理系,北京
关键词: 干扰项预习效应注意抑制视觉搜索试次间效应Distractor Previewing Effect (DPE); Attention Inhibition; Visual Search; Inter-Trial Effect
摘要: 干扰项预习效应(Distractor Previewing Effect)是视觉搜索实验中出现的一种试次间效应。实验任务要求被试在屏幕上显示的一组刺激中找到一个与干扰项颜色不同的靶子,判断它的形状并做出相应的反应。实验中混合呈现有靶子和无靶子的试次。如果在一个无靶子的试次后呈现一个有靶子的试次,而且靶子颜色和之前无靶子试次中的刺激颜色一样,被试的反应会比有靶子试次中干扰项的颜色和之前无靶子试次中的刺激颜色一样时慢。行为实验、眼动实验、事件相关电位实验的结果均显示,这种试次间效应是一种注意现象,反映了注意的抑制。本文介绍干扰项预习效应的现象并将其与相关现象进行比较,探讨它的内在机制和未来的研究方向。
Abstract: The Distractor Previewing Effect is an inter-trial effect in visual search. In a visual search task, participants are asked to find a color oddball among distractors and then to identify its shape. Their responses are slower when the target in the current target-present trial has the same color as the items in the preceding target-absent trial than when the color of the current distractors does so. This inter-trial effect is not due to response inhibition, but reflects attention inhibition from one trial to the next. This paper introduces the phenomenon of the DPE, compares it to other inter-trial effects in visual search, and discusses its underlying mechanisms and future research directions.
文章引用:牟兵兵, 李顺. 干扰项预习效应的现象与机制[J]. 心理学进展, 2014, 4(2): 195-201. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.42030


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