Natural Fish Resources Investigation of Nanlang River
DOI: 10.12677/ojfr.2014.11001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,827  浏览: 11,525 
作者: 缪祥军, 符世伟, 崔丽莉*, 李光华:云南省渔业科学研究院,昆明;李万斌:澜沧县水产站,澜沧县
关键词: 南朗河鱼类资源现状Nanlang River; Natural Fish Resources; Status
摘要: 2011年12月上旬,对南朗河澜沧县河段进行鱼类资源调查。调查范围北起澜沧县勐朗镇勐滨村,南至惠民乡芒景村,实际调查河段流程约65千米。综合调查实际采集标本鉴定结果和走访当地从业人员,确定澜沧县南朗河调查鱼类24种、虾类1种。南朗河中下游鱼类资源明显比中上游丰富,不仅体现在采捕到鱼的数量和体重方面,鱼的种类也随河流向下游延伸而呈现增多的趋势。鱼类资源现状主要表现为:鱼类资源仍然较丰富,但小型化、低龄化趋势明显,品种结构趋于单一,传统名优鱼类资源量下降显著;资源变动主要原因水域环境污染、过度捕捞。
Abstract: There was a natural fish resources investigation carried out for Lancang section of Nanlang River in December 2011. The practical extent from Mengbin Village to Mangjing Village was about 65 kilometers. The statistical results showed that there were 24 kinds of fish and one kind of shrimps found in this section. The fish resources of downstream were more abundant than those of upstream, which reflected in harvesting fish mantissa, weight and the species. Status of fish resources is as follows: fish resources are still abundant, but the trend of miniaturized and younger age is evident. The species structure tends to be single. The famous traditional fish resources decline significantly. The reasons of changes mainly are environmental pollution and overfishing.
文章引用:缪祥军, 符世伟, 崔丽莉, 李万斌, 李光华. 南朗河鱼类资源现状调查[J]. 水产研究, 2014, 1(1): 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ojfr.2014.11001


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