The Government Behavior for Food Safety Regulation——A New Analytical Framework
DOI: 10.12677/MSE.2014.31001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,659  浏览: 18,073 
作者: 张 敏, 迟正刚:惠州学院经管系电子科学系,惠州;董 敏:南京工业大学经济与管理学院,南京
关键词: 食品安全政府监管组织信息场信息经济人假设资本矢量Food Safety; Government Regulation; Organizational Information Field Mode; Information Economic Man Assumption; Capital Vector
摘要: 针对政府在食品安全监管中的困境,引入基于信息经济人假设的组织信息场理论,构建了两个经济人和一个协调人多目标合作的简化模型,运用该模型分析和解释了政府在食品安全监管中的作用。指出,政府在食品安全监管中应该承担起一个公正的协调者的角色,以协调食品供应链上各个利益相关方的核心利益,从而促进食品供应链合作的稳定性,从根本上解决我国食品安全问题频发的难题。
Abstract: Specific to the government predicament in food safety regulation, this essay brings in organizational information field mode based on information economic man assumption, and builds a simplified mode where two economic men are working with a coordinator on multiple-objective cooperation. Simultaneously, applying to this mode, this essay analyzes the role of the government in food safety regulation, and also points out that its an responsibility for government to act as an impartial coordinator, to coordinate all beneficiaries, to promote the cooperation stability of the food supply chain, and finally to solve Chinas food safety problems that occur frequently.
文章引用:张敏, 董敏, 迟正刚. 食品安全监管中的政府行为——一个新的分析框架[J]. 管理科学与工程, 2014, 3(1): 1-8.


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