Study on Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils Dealt with Cement Solidification/Stabilization
DOI: 10.12677/AG.2014.41001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,841  浏览: 11,044  科研立项经费支持
作者: 翟福宁, 张腾瑜, 丁 勇, 康 帅:上海理工大学环境与建筑学院,上海
关键词: 重金属污染土水泥固化法Heavy Metal; Contaminated Soils; Cement; Solidification/Stabilization
摘要: 随着我国经济的持续发展,环境污染不断加剧,城市土地被重金属污染亦屡见不鲜。土体受到重金属离子污染后,会引起土的工程性质的改变,重金属离子的渗出也会给周围环境带来严重的危害。目前水泥固化技术是固化/稳定重金属污染土的常用方法。不同重金属类型、不同重金属离子含量、水泥掺量以及养护龄期条件均会影响固化污染土的强度和变形特性。
Abstract: With the sustainable development of economy in China, environmental pollution is aggravated constantly and the soil in city is polluted severely. Heavy metal ions in soil may lead to the change in soil engineering properties. Their leakage would also harm the surrounding environment. Currently the cement solidification technology is a useful method of solidifying and stabilizing heavy metal contaminated soils. Different heavy metal types and contents, cement contents and curing time will bring different influences on strength and deformation properties of solidified contaminated soils.
文章引用:翟福宁, 张腾瑜, 丁勇, 康帅. 水泥固化法处理重金属污染土的现状研究[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2014, 4(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AG.2014.41001


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