The Structural Design of the Steel Stair in Secondary Design
DOI: 10.12677/HJCE.2014.31001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,149  浏览: 9,608 
作者: 董伟明, 周 彬, 任晓崧:同济大学基建处,上海
关键词: 二次设计钢楼梯静力分析动力特性Secondary Design; Steel Stair; Static Analysis; Dynamic Characteristic
摘要: 钢楼梯在新建工程和改建装修工程中应用广泛,经常在主体结构完工后由专业施工单位进行二次设计和单独安装。这些钢楼梯多为轻柔的空间结构,受力复杂,并没有专门的设计规定,一般多按照梁结构进行静力设计。本文对这类钢楼梯的结构设计问题进行讨论。首先,合理确定设计荷载,建立空间模型对钢楼梯进行分析,校核在复合应力状态下的强度,验算变形条件,并进行必要的稳定性分析;其次,需要研究其动力特性,根据楼梯的通行情况控制其自振频率范围和加速度响应。
Abstract: The steel stair is widely used in engineering practice and is usually designed and installed by professional construction company after the main structure of building was completed. As a typical space system, the steel stair’s analysis is quite complicated. As no special codes for design, it is usually designed as a beam structure under static load. In this paper, the static design method and dynamic design method are suggested. Firstly, the design load is discussed. The strength, the deformation and the stability should be analyzed by the space model. Secondly, the dynamic characteristic, such as the vibration frequency and the vertical peak acceleration should be restricted according to the passing condition of the stair.
文章引用:董伟明, 周彬, 任晓崧. 二次设计钢楼梯的结构设计[J]. 土木工程, 2014, 3(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJCE.2014.31001


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