Analysis and Optimizing on the Business Model of On-Line Group Shopping Based on E3-Value: A Perspective of Collaborative Innovation by Value Network
DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2014.31002, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,516  浏览: 11,220  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 吴应良, 袁博阳, 滕雪宏:华南理工大学经济与贸易学院电子商务系,广州;王小利:中国电信股份有限公司深圳分公司,深圳
关键词: 网络团购价值本体商业模式E3-Value价值网商业模式重组On-Line Group Shopping; Value Ontology; Business Model; E3-Value; Value Network (Value-Net); Business Model Reengineering
摘要: 网络团购(on-line group shopping)作为一种新兴和重要的商业模式B2T (Business to Team)近年来发展迅速,同时又呈现出一些不确定性。这一商业模式的价值主张或价值体现(value proposition)在于通过集合订单使消费者获取最佳的价格(find the best price),同时为消费者带来了特殊的消费和服务体验,其本质是一种折扣交易(discount deals)。但国内这一模式的发展普遍存在同质化、易于模仿和缺乏可持续的盈利模式等问题而遭遇发展瓶颈。文章采用e3-value系统分析方法和工具,对网络团购商业模式的价值本体与价值活动进行了结构化分析;针对其缺乏行业协同性问题,基于价值网这一价值创造和协同的“软集成”模式,提出了一种新的商业模式——团购价值网;进一步的价值分析表明,这一新的商业模式不仅能通过构建共生共赢的价值网生态系统形成新的价值共同体,还有利于提高各参与方的收益。最后从管理的角度,提出了一些对策与建议,以实现网络团购商业模式的重组与优化,提升这一行业的竞争力与生命力。
Abstract: As an emerging and important business model Business to Team (B2T), on-line group shopping has undergone a rapid development in recent years in China. But at the same time, it has taking some uncertainty. The value proposition of this model is characterized by its special customer values. That is, B2T focuses on that consumers can get the best price as well as special shopping or consumption experiences through the collection of orders. However, the development of B2T in our country exists many problems, such as homogeneous, easy to imitate, lack of sustainable revenue model and other issues, and some systemic and structural analysis on B2T business model are discussed based on the e3-value in this paper. Through the analysis and simulation computing, the developing bottleneck issue of B2T is found in our research. In this paper, aimed to the lack of industry collaboration for B2T, a new business model which named B2T Value-Nets is presented. By value analysis, it indicates that the new business model for B2T could build a new e-commerce ecosystem and value community by a kind of soft-integration mode of value creating and collaborating based on value-nets, so could make further realization on the reengineering and optimizing of B2T business model. At last, some strategies and measurements on optimizing and innovating development for business model of B2T value-nets were proposed.
文章引用:吴应良, 袁博阳, 滕雪宏, 王小利. 基于E3-Value的网络团购商业模式的分析与优化:价值网协同创新的视角[J]. 电子商务评论, 2014, 3(1): 5-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ECL.2014.31002


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