Development of Real Estate Enterprise Brand Management Analysis of Jiangxi Province
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2013.36028, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,608  浏览: 7,838  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘湖北, 朱洪成:南昌大学公共管理学院,南昌
关键词: 房地产企业企业品牌经营管理Real Estate Companies; Corporate Brand; Management
摘要: 面对拥有成熟跨区域运作经验的国内一线房地产企业品牌的强势进入,江西房地产企业在品牌经营管理上显得乏善可陈,出现了诸如品牌定位不清、建设滞后、推广不足、维护欠缺等方面的问题。这些问题与行业发展现状、企业缺乏系统品牌理论指导有着重要关联。江西房地产企业要想获得成功并持续发展,必须走品牌经营之路,着眼于行业发展现状,运用系统的品牌理论做指导,从品牌定位、建设、推广、维护等方面展开。
Abstract: Facing the famous real estate enterprises which have good brands and mature cross-regional operation experience, the local real estate enterprises of Jiangxi Province seem to be weaker than the former. There are many problems existing in the management process of local real estate enterprises of Jiangxi Province. For example, the brand positioning is unclear, construction lag, lacking promotion and maintenance. These problems not only attribute to the industry situation but also lack of systematic guidance of Brand Management Theory. In order to achieve success and maintain sustainable development, the real estate enterprises of JiangxiProvinceshould take the path of brand management. Under the guidance of the brand management theory and taking  the current situation into consideration, the real estate industry should focus on brand positioning, construction, promotion and maintenance, etc.
文章引用:刘湖北, 朱洪成. 江西房地产企业品牌经营管理的发展状况分析[J]. 现代管理, 2013, 3(6): 171-176. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2013.36028