Thoroughly Clean the Southern Dynasty Poetry Floating Extravagant Style—On Groundbreaking Yu Shinan’s Poetry
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2013.13007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,435  浏览: 10,203 
作者: 俞 欣:北京理工大学人文学院,北京
关键词: 诗歌用字物象描摹咏物诗边塞诗创新Poetic Words; Object Description; Object-Chanting Poetry; Frontier Fortress Poem;Innovativeness
摘要: 虞世南被唐太宗称为“五绝之臣”,当代研究者所选取的研究内容多是他的书法艺术,虞世南的五绝之臣的社会地位,或者是以他生活的历史时期、历史人物为研究对象,他的诗歌在当代文学史上并没有得到应有的重视,被认为仍有绮靡之气。但是综观虞世南的应诏诗、咏物诗、边塞诗歌,他的诗歌不论是在诗歌字词的使用上还是物象的描摹以及艺术风格的塑造上,都擅长在继承前人的基础上,有自己独特的开创性。他的应制诗写景细腻,善于抓住瞬间的感受,很多句子成为流传至今的经典对联。他的咏物诗格调高洁,大声咏唱,掷地有声,为咏物诗的托物言志开辟了一个新的局面。他的边塞诗斗志昂扬,气势磅礴,成为开盛唐之音的先锋,在初唐诗坛上彻底清扫了浮靡之风。
Abstract: Yu Shinan was given the title of “Minister of Five-syllable Quatrains”. Modern researchers mainly focus on his calligraphy art, social status of “Minister of Five-syllable Quatrains” held by Yu Shinan, the his- torical period and historical figure in his time. His poems have not received due attention in modern history of literature and have been considered with decadence. But throughout the Yingzhao poem, object-chanting poems and frontier fortress poems of Yu Shinan, whether in the wording of poem, or the image depicting and art style modeling, he not only was good at carrying forward the foundations of predecessors, but also had his own unique creativity. His imperially-assigned poem has a fine and smooth depiction of scenery, which is adept in grasping the momentary feeling, and many sentences have become classic couplets spreading till now. His object-chanting poems are with noble and unsullied style, which is powerful when you read loudly. He opened up a new phase for the ambition-expressing through things of object-chanting poems. His frontier fortress poetry shows raising fighting spirit and tremendous momentum, which becomes a pioneer in the voice of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and thoroughly sweeps away fickleness and luxury morality of poetic circles in early Tang Dynasty.
文章引用:俞欣. 浮靡诗风的彻底清扫——论虞世南诗歌的开创性[J]. 世界文学研究, 2013, 1(3): 35-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2013.13007