Study on CO2 Emissions Situation and Countermeasures in China
DOI: 10.12677/JLCE.2013.24023, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 4,520  浏览: 19,549 
作者: 马敬昆, 潘星宇:中国石油安全环保技术研究院,北京;王瑾瑜:中国石化出版社,北京;吴胜英:中国石油渤海钻探工程有限公司油气合作开发分公司,天津
关键词: 碳排放温室气体二氧化碳减排Carbon Emissions; Greenhouse Gas; Carbon Dioxide Reduction
摘要: 中国正处于工业化、城市化进程的关键时期,经济发展带来的能源消耗以及由此产生的碳排放问题受到国内外普遍关注,这也使中国在气候变化问题上处于国际辩论的最前沿。中国能否避免重复发达国家的发展模式,走上稳定、低碳、可持续的发展道路,是世界应对气候变化的关键问题之一。首先对目前碳排放研究现状进行综述,分析了世界主要国家开展温室气体减排的政策和技术措施,并结合我国能源使用结构的实际情况,提出了温室气体减排的思路与对策。随着各项措施的完善。中国二氧化碳减排必将取得显著成效。
Abstract: China is in the industrialization and urbanization process, a critical period, and energy consump- tion and carbon emissions resulting from economic development have received widespread attention at home and abroad, which makes the issue of climate change inChinaat the forefront of international debate. Whe- therChina’s development model can be developed to avoid duplication and step on to path of stable, low- carbon, sustainable development is one of the key issues of world’s response to climate change. This paper firstly overviews the current situation on carbon emissions, and analyzes policies and measures of greenhouse gas reduction and emission of developed countries. Some countermeasures for greenhouse gas reduction inChinaare put forward based on the actual situation of energy utilization structure ofChina. With the perfec- tion of various measures,Chinawill surely make achievements in carbon dioxide reduction.
文章引用:马敬昆, 王瑾瑜, 吴胜英, 潘星宇. 我国二氧化碳排放现状及对策研究[J]. 低碳经济, 2013, 2(4): 137-143. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JLCE.2013.24023


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