Measure Invariance Research of the Short Form of Achievement Motive Scale in Boy-Girl of Middle School Students in Shenzhen
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.36048, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,624  浏览: 11,446 
作者: 唐 辉:肇庆学院学生处,肇庆;卢 宁:深圳大学应用心理学研究与咨询中心,深圳
关键词: 成就动机量表简式版信度效度测验等值性结构平均数比较Short Form of Achievement Motive Scale; Reliability; Validity; Measurement Invariance; Latent Mean Comparison
摘要: 的:探索具有良好信、效度的成就动机量表简式版(AMS-SF),考察成就动机量表简式版在深圳初中男生和女生样本之间的测量等值性,并在测量等值成立的条件下进行结构平均数的比较。方法:在来自深圳市8237~8年级学生样本中,将总样本随机分成样本a和样本b,结合McClelland的成就动机理论与探索性因素分析结果挑选项目,运用验证性因素分析考察结构效度,运用多样本结构方程模型分析考察量表的测量等值性和结构平均数差异。结果:保留原量表12个项目的成就动机量表简式版的追求成功、避免失败因子的内部一致性系数分别为0.810.85,各项目的区分度0.360.62之间;验证性因素分析显示,CFI = 0.947GFI = 0.942NNFI = 0.934RMSEA = 0.067,各项目所对应的因素负荷为0.53~0.83;结构方程多组分析结果显示AMS-SF跨男女生样本组的形态等值、因素负荷等值、结构协方差等值和残差等值均成立;结构平均数比较结果显示男生的追求成功动机显著高于女生,男生的避免失败动机显著低于女生。结论:成就动机量表简式版(AMS-SF)在深圳初中生群体中具有良好的信、效度,且具有跨性别的一致性,可用于评估初中生的一般成就动机。

Objective: To develop a Short Form of Achievement Motive Scale (AMS-SF) with adequate reliability and validity, to test the gender measurement invariance and the latent factor mean of AMS-SF. Methods: Totally 823 students in Grades 7 - 8 from Shenzhen are selected and are grouped into two parallel samples a and b. Item analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) are used to interactively confirm the structure of the scale, Multi-group confirmatory factor analyses are used to test the gender measurement invariance and the latent factor mean of AMS-SF. Results: Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of motive to succeed and motive to avoid failure of AMS-SF are 0.81, 0.85, and the item discrimination ranges from 0.36 to 0.62; AMS-SF provides an adequate fit to the theoretically intended 2-factor model, and the factor loadings range from 0.53 to 0.83; Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis of AMS-SF reveals that the full measurement and the structure invariance across boy-girl of middle school students are supported by the date, the latent factor mean comparison suggests that there were significant differences between the two groups. Conclusion: AMS-SF indicates high levels of reliability and validity, and the full measurement and the structure invariance of AMS-SF existed in the middle school students in Shenzhen, it is appropriate for assessing middle school students’ general achievement motivation.

文章引用:唐辉, 卢宁 (2013). 成就动机量表简式版的研制及在深圳市初中男、女生样本间测量等值性研究. 心理学进展, 3(6), 321-326. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.36048


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