Research on Mechanism of Action of Responsibility in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.36A005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,922  浏览: 14,002  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 雷园媛, 奚 桃, 肖钟萍, 张仲明:西南大学心理学部
关键词: 责任感强迫症作用机制认知信念Responsibility; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; Mechanism of Action; Cognitive Beliefs
摘要: 责任感到底在强迫症中起着怎样的作用一直以来争论不休。通过对责任感在强迫症中的作用的大量实验研究的分析,可以看到:膨胀的责任感在强迫症中起着主导地位作用的观点仍然占据主流。最近的发展认为责任感在强迫症症状的形成与发展中起关键作用。控制责任感,能够影响强迫行为发生的频度和冲动。可见责任感在解释强迫症的机制中成为了一个不可忽视的成分。但是另一些观点认为责任感仅是强迫症的一个影响因素。也许这种争论在未来的研究中还不会停止,这种争论对进一步探索清楚强迫症的心理机制提供了一个可能的解释。未来仍然需要更多这方面的实验研究对此进行深入探讨。
Abstract: What role does the responsibility play in the obsessive compulsive disorder? It is a long-running controversial debate. Through the analysis of a number of experimental studies about function of responsibility in OCD, we can find that the inflated responsibility in obsessive compulsive disorder plays a dominant role occupying the mainstream. With the recent development, the opinion of responsibility playing a key role in the formation and development of OCD symptoms is deemed. Manipulate responsibility can influence the frequency and the urge to carry out compulsive behavior. Thus it can be seen, responsibility is a factor not to be neglected in the explaining of the mechanism of obsessive-compulsive disorder. But another view is that responsibility is only an influencing factor of OCD. Perhaps this debate will continue in future research, and this argument provides a possible explanation for further exploration of clear psychological mechanism of obsessive compulsive disorder. We need more experiments on this aspect of the in-depth study in the future.
文章引用:雷园媛, 奚桃, 肖钟萍, 张仲明 (2013). 责任感在强迫症中的作用机制研究述评. 心理学进展, 3(6), 27-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.36A005


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