Jinan Garlic Micronutrients Fertilization Comparison Test
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2013.34021, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,796  浏览: 8,868  科研立项经费支持
作者: 张振成, 刘红娟, 赵克思:济南市植物检疫站;孔素萍:山东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所;张建军:济南市植物保护站;赵振霞:济南市长清区蔬菜技术服务中心
关键词: 大蒜喷施微肥产量变化大蒜品质经济效益Garlic; Spraying; Microelement Fertilizer; Yield Change; Garlic Quality; Economic Benefit
摘要: 为探讨微量元素对大蒜生产产量、品质的影响,提高现代农业精准化生产水平,我们进行了大蒜施用微量元素肥料效果的比较试验。试验结果表明:在济南主要大蒜生产区大蒜喷施微量元素肥料钼酸胺、硫酸锰、硫酸铜、硼酸、硫酸锌和两种微量元素肥料组合具有明显的增产效果,处理比对照增产幅度达7.7%~19.9%,同时可提高大蒜品级,改进大蒜品质,增加经济效益,处理比对照增加经济效益262.2~574.6/667 m2,增效16.2%~29.9%。因此大蒜喷施微肥可增加产量,提高蒜头品级,改进品质,增加经济效益。
Abstract: In order to study the effects of the trace elements on garlic production yield, quality, improve the modern agriculture production level, comparative tests were conducted with garlic trace element fertilizers effect. Experimental results show that major garlic production areas in Jinanspray ammonium molybdate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, boric acid and zinc sulfate which significantly increased production. Compared with control group, the experimental group produced 7.7% - 19.9% more garlic with better quality and increase economic efficiency by RMB 262.2 -574.6 kg/667 m2. To sum up, the experimental group increase efficiency by 16.2% - 29.9%. Therefore, the garlic spraying fertilizer can increase the yield, improve the grade of garlic, improve quality, and increase economic benefits.

文章引用:张振成, 孔素萍, 张建军, 刘红娟, 赵克思, 赵振霞. 济南大蒜喷施微肥比较试验[J]. 农业科学, 2013, 3(4): 109-112. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2013.34021


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