Analysis of the Revelation of Taiwan-Funded and the Development Ability of Innovation-Driven of Fujian
DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2013.12012, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,931  浏览: 11,523  科研立项经费支持
作者: 袁志远*, 张业圳:福建师范大学经济学院,福州
关键词: 全要素生产率台商投资经济增长脉冲响应TFP; The Investment of Taiwan Businessmen; The Growth of Economy; Impulse Response
摘要: 1993~2011年的经济数据为基础,利用VAR模型研究福建省近19年全要素生产率的增长与台商投资之间的相关性,通过脉冲响应和方差分解分析台资对福建省技术进步的影响力度。实证结果表明,与本省人力资本存量、科研投入和本省投资等因素比起来,台资对福建省创新驱动能力的提升在短期内有着一定作用但长期影响较弱。进而提出福建省创新驱动战略的实施仍需更多的依靠发展教育事业、加大R&D投入以及增加有效投资等促进福建省创新驱动能力的建议。
Abstract: To clarify the relationship between the progress of productivity of Fujian and Taiwan investment, based on the relevant economic data from 1993 to 2011, the paper studied the relationship between the growth of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) in Fujian and the investment from Taiwan businessmen with the help of VAR model, impulse response and variance decomposition. Empirical results show that investment from Taiwan businessmen is, to some extent, stimulating the TFP of Fujian, but not the primary reason for its changing, and what has an important effect on TFP of Fujian is the human capital accumulation, research and development investments and provincial investment in Fujian province. Therefore, it should rely on the development of education, and increase R&D investment and inner-investment to promote the technological progress and leapfrog development in Fujian Province.
文章引用:袁志远, 张业圳. 台资与福建创新驱动发展能力的相关性分析[J]. 商业全球化, 2013, 1(2): 58-65. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BGlo.2013.12012


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