The Neural Basis of Social Status Recognition and Its Influencing Factors
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.35040, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,564  浏览: 12,864 
作者: 高丽丽*, 段锦云:苏州大学教育学院;卞海勇*, 袁昌兵*, 魏秋江*:苏州大学文正学院
关键词: 社会身份神经科学下顶叶单侧化Social Status; Neuroscience; Inferior Parietal Context; Cerebral Hemispheric Dominance
摘要: 在社会交往过程中,辨识彼此的社会身份至关重要。从神经生理学角度探讨社会身份机制,成为该领域研究的新热点。现有研究显示,与社会身份辨识相关的脑区有前额叶皮层、下顶叶、颞上回、枕颞叶和脑岛,尤其以前额叶的前扣带回、下顶叶的顶内沟为主。社会身份辨识的相关脑区受到个人特质、儿童期社会经济地位、社会文化等因素影响。文章最后从研究方法的改进、干扰因素的控制与排除、大脑半球单侧化优势等方面探讨了现有社会身份辨识脑神经研究的不足,并提出了相应的改进建议。
Abstract:  In social communication, recognizing others’ status is very important. Investigating social status recognition from neuroscience perspective is becoming more and more popular. It has been showed that there are many brain areas which relate with social status, for example, prefrontal cortex, inferior parietal contex, superior temporal gyrus, occipitotemporal cortex and insula, particularly anterior cingulate cortex of prefron- tal cortex, intraparietal sulci of inferior parietal are very important. Then the paper introduces that many fac- tors, such as personal traits, socioeconomic status of childhood, social cultures, can affect the brain areas’ functions whose is associated with social status recognition. Finally, we discuss the current shortages of the social recognition’ neuroscience including improvement of study methods, the control and eliminate of inter- ference factor, cerebral hemispheric dominance, and so on, furthermore take corresponding advices.
文章引用:高丽丽, 段锦云, 卞海勇, 袁昌兵, 魏秋江 (2013). 社会身份辨识的神经基础及其影响因素. 心理学进展, 3(5), 262-268. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.35040


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