Empirical Analysis of Industrial Structure of Iron and Steel Industry in China, Korea and Japan by Using Kuznets Curve
DOI: 10.12677/WER.2013.22002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,606  浏览: 11,838 
作者: 王艳杰, 肖有智, 谢卓君:对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院,北京
关键词: 钢铁产业产业结构库兹涅茨曲线 Steel Industry; Industrial Structure; Kuznets Curve
摘要: 中国钢铁粗钢产量位列世界第一,但能耗却远远高于同列国家。我国钢铁产业结构调整已陷入瓶颈,如何推动能耗进一步下降成为研究热点。本文从与我国背景相近且成功转型的日韩出发,利用Wind数据库三国钢铁产量与能耗数据,使用Eviews软件对中日韩钢铁业的库兹涅茨曲线进行了回归检验,并结合JFE、浦项及首钢实证分析对计量结果进行了详细的经济学剖析,最后据此总结出针对我国钢铁产业结构调整的建议。 With the crude steel production ranking first, Chinahas consumed more energy than any other country that is in the same class.Chinahas already fallen in a dilemma about how to adjust the steel industry structure and impulse the decrease of energy consumption. Based on the cases of Japan and Korea, which are in similar level with China before and have been worked out now, the paper uses the concerning data of these three countries from the Wind and the Eviews to make regressions by Kuznets Curve. Then the paper compares the situations of JFE, Pohang and Shougang’s to conduct an empirical study. According to the economic analysis, the paper draws out the suggestions for China steel industry on industrial structure adjustment.



文章引用:王艳杰, 肖有智, 谢卓君. 库兹涅茨曲线下中日韩钢铁产业结构实证分析[J]. 世界经济探索, 2013, 2(2): 9-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WER.2013.22002


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