The Analysis and Countermeasure of Electricity Energy Exhaustion in the Course of the Oil Field’s Mechanical Oil Extraction
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2013.33014, PDF, 下载: 3,051  浏览: 7,333 
作者: 蔡 婷*:河南南阳中石化河南油田分公司技术监测中心,南阳
关键词: 机采电能耗分析对策Mechanical Oil Extraction; The Analysis of Electricity Energy Exhaustion; Countermeasure
摘要: 深入分析油田机采系统的电能消耗对降低油田开发成本,提高抽油机效率具有十分重要的意义。本文从油井供电方式、电气设备、生产方式等方面进行论述,分析了影响机采系统配电能耗的因素,提出了提高油井机采用电效率的具体措施和对策。
Abstract: Deeply analyzing the electricity energy exhaustion during the course of the oil field’s mechanical oil extrac-tion is of great importance in reducing the exploiture cost and enhancing the efficiency of the oil machines. This thesis discussed the electricity energy supply mode, the electricity equipment, the production methods etc. of the oil wells. It analyzed the factors that influence the electricity exhaustion in the course of the oil field’s mechanical oil extraction. At last, the thesis brought forward some countermeasures to enhance the efficiency of the oil machines.
文章引用:蔡婷. 油田机采配电能耗分析与对策[J]. 智能电网, 2013, 3(3): 80-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SG.2013.33014


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