The Study of the Effect of Affect Labeling to the Positve Emotions in the Conditon of Positive Face Pictures
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.33018, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,676  浏览: 9,822 
作者: 岳鹏飞*, 白学军:天津师范大学心理与行为研究院
关键词: 情绪标注自主神经活动情绪调节Affect Labeling; Autonomic Nervous Activity; Emotion Regulation
摘要: 这一研究检验了两个问题。第一个是情绪标注是增强还是抑制正性情绪,尤其是对使用中文词的中国被试。第二个是非情绪标注能否抑制正性情绪。为检验这些问题,研究选择正性情绪面孔为实验材料(愉快和惊讶),以30名女大学生为被试,采用了BiopacMP150生理记录仪记录其完成任务时皮电、指温和指脉率上的变化。结果发现:不管是在皮电,皮温还是指脉率上都没有发现以下四组中任何一组中存在的显著差异:情绪标注和情绪匹配,性别标注和性别匹配,情绪匹配和性别匹配,情绪标注和性别标注。在本实验条件下没有发现情绪标注及非情绪标注对正性情绪的抑制作用。
Abstract: In this study of affect labeling two questions were tested. The first one is whether affect labeling will enhance or reduce the positive emotion of subjects, especially for Chinese subjects using Chinese characters. The second one is whether using words to describe the non-emotional aspects of the positive faces will reduce the emotion or not. To test these questions, we conducted one experiment. In this experiment, 30 female university students participated. The pictures of positive faces (happy and surprise) used as materials and physiological responses, including finger temperature, skin conductance, and finger pulse, were recorded using BiopacMP150 under affect-labeling, affect-matching, gender-labeling, gender-matching, and shape- matching conditions. The results showed that in the experiment, there were no differences in finger pulse rate, finger temperatures and skin conductance between affect-labeling and affect-matching, gender-labeling and gender-matching, affect-matching and gender-matching, affect-labeling and gender-labeling. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that affect labeling and gender labeling may not reduce the activity of the autonomic nervous system of positive emotions in these conditions of this experiment.
文章引用:岳鹏飞, 白学军 (2013). 正性情绪面孔条件下情绪标注对正性情绪的作用研究. 心理学进展, 3(3), 115-119. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.33018


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