The Status of Research on Mechanisills of Schistosome Immune Evasion
DOI: 10.12677/AMB.2013.21006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,151  浏览: 11,733 
作者: 向会耀*, 王劲松, 方华舟:荆楚理工学院生物工程学院,荆门
关键词: 抗原改变免疫逃避免疫调节Antigenic Change; Immune Evasion; Immune Regulation
摘要: 目前公认的血吸虫免疫逃避机制主要是免疫调节和抗原改变。免疫调节主要是血吸虫通过合成神经分子、蛋白酶、细胞因子及其他小分子物质,阻断宿主补体的激活,抑制宿主的免疫细胞功能,从而下调宿主的免疫功能;抗原改变主要是血吸虫抗原的模拟、变异和伪装,使宿主的免疫监视功能敏感性下降。 The immune evasion of schistosome is an important factor for schistosome survival in host. At present, the mechanism of the immune evasion is known as antigenic change and immune regulation. Antigen changes mainly include Schistosoma antigen variation, simulation and disguise which reduces the sensiticity of immunologic surveillance function of the host. The sehistosome blocks complement activation of the host and suppresses immune cell function of the host by synthetizing neural molecules, protease, cytokines and other small molecules, resulting in immune function down-regulated of the host.
文章引用:向会耀, 王劲松, 方华舟. 血吸虫抗原变异和免疫调节的研究[J]. 微生物前沿, 2013, 2(1): 28-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AMB.2013.21006


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