Survey of Current Progress of Cloud Computing and Its Interoperability
DOI: 10.12677/SEA.2013.21004, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 4,128  浏览: 17,609 
作者: 高 明:东北师范大学理想信息技术研究院,长春
关键词: 云计算互操作语义互操作标准框架 Cloud Computing; Interoperability; Semantic Interoperability;Standardization; Framework


Abstract: Since Cloud computing emerged, it not only becomes a major initiative of the IT sector, but also has an enormous impact on the production and living of the people. With the development of Cloud computing, it has become from the beginning of one Cloud platform to provide computing power to evolve into the cooperation from two or more Cloud platforms together. Cloud computing interoperability plays a significant role. In this paper, by a brief outlook of Cloud computing and its interoperable literature research on development, the author focused on Cloud computing interoperability status quo, presented the disadvantages of interoperability, and the future of Cloud computing in brief. Hope through a series of summary and study to promote Cloud computing interoperability research.


文章引用:高明. 云计算互操作发展现状综述[J]. 软件工程与应用, 2013, 2(1): 20-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SEA.2013.21004


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