The Content, Implement and Development Trend of Experiential Education Training
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2013.21002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,658  浏览: 13,110 
作者: 张仁家, 游邵葳:国立台北科技大学技术及职业教育研究所,台北
关键词: 体验式教育训练 Experiential; Education Training

体验式教育训练的目的系学习者透过实际的深刻经验后,对经验加以反思,并重新建构自己的认知架构,藉此改变原有的心智模式。本文以组织内部团队气氛不佳为例,设计一份体验式教育训练的单元活动课程,试图改善组织气氛,清楚说明课程设计的要项和教学活动流程,供企业推展体验式教育训练之参考;由于体验式教育训练发展迅速,文末并说明体验式教育训练未来的发展趋势,包括:1) 重视团队合作,营造融洽的组织气氛;2) 开发员工潜在创新、创造的能力;3) 彰显企业精神、形塑企业特色。

Abstract: The purpose of Experiential Training Course (ETC) is after profound experience in designed virtual reality, the trainees can change their cognitive structure. Meanwhile, in order to demonstrate the key points of course design and flow of training activity, this study takes how a team inside group trying to reverse its bad atmosphere to be good by designing and executing ETC completely as an example; so that, the course with successful result can be guideline to a corporation who like to promote the training in their organization. Due to rapid development in ETC, description of ETC future trend of develop, includes: 1) em phasis on team cooperation, and create a harmonious organization atmosphere; 2) development staff potential innovation, the creation of capacity; and 3) highlight the spirit of enterprise, shaping enterprise characteristics.

文章引用:张仁家, 游邵葳. 体验式教育训练的内涵、实施及其发展趋势[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2013, 2(1): 9-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2013.21002


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