Analyzing on Affecting Factors of Coal Industry Chain Extension Based on GEM Model
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2013.31004, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 4,326  浏览: 13,468  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 王帮俊*, 杨东涛*:南京大学商学院,南京
关键词: 煤炭产业链延伸影响因素GEM模型Coal Industry Chain; Extension; Affecting Factors; GEM Model
摘要: 煤炭产业链延伸是增加产业附加值,实现产业优化的过程。在确定煤炭产业链合理延伸路径之前,需要全面、客观地分析煤炭产业链的内外部影响因素,才能确保产业链延伸的社会、技术和经济效益。本文通过构建影响煤炭产业链延伸的内部外各个影响因素,进而构建基于GEM的双因素评价模型,来评判各个影响因素对煤炭产业链延伸的重要性,最终确定影响因素的整体作用对于煤炭产业链的延伸到底是有促进作用还是阻碍作用,将为煤炭产业链延伸起到决策支持作用。
Abstract: The coal industry chain extension process is to increase the industrial value-added, industrial op-timization process. In determining the path of a logical extension of the coal industry chain, we need a com-prehensive, objective analysis of the coal industry chain, internal and external factors, in order to ensure that the chain extension of the social, technological and economic benefits. This paper has research various inter-nal and external impacting factors chain on the coal industry chain extension, and then has build a GEM- based two-factor evaluation model to judge the impact of various factors on the importance of the coal indus-try chain extension, and ultimately determining the overall impact of factors affecting the coal industry chain for extension in the end which is a key factor in promoting or inhibiting. It will play a key role in decision support for the coal industry chain extension.
文章引用:王帮俊, 杨东涛. 基于GEM模型的煤炭产业链延伸影响因素分析[J]. 现代管理, 2013, 3(1): 17-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2013.31004


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