Analysis on Stakeholders’ Game of Regulation on Urban Renewal Compensation
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2013.31004, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,975  浏览: 10,195 
作者: 孙 洁*:深圳市房地产评估发展中心
关键词: 城市更新房屋征收利益主体博弈论Urban Renovation; Expropriation of Houses; Stakeholders; Theory of Game
摘要: 本文选取深圳市城市更新房屋征收的典型案例为实证研究对象,综合分析在利益均衡平台构建和征地补偿标准制定的过程中体现出的利益主体参与方面存在的问题及问题原因。要真正实现政府、开发商和动迁居民三者之间的利益衡平,就必须确立按市场价格补偿的标准。城市更新房屋征收管理属于行政行为,政府此时必须依法办事,既不能不作为,又不能乱作为。因此,只有在政府建立畅通的沟通渠道的基础上,动迁居民和开发商在充分掌握对方信息的前提下做出理性选择,形成纳什均衡。
Abstract:  In the paper, I have chosen the Shenzhen Expropriation of houses in urban renovation as case study, comprehensive analysis that the process of construction of benefit equilibrium platform and requisition of compensation standard of land reflects the main problems of the interests existing and the cause of the problem. In order to realize the balance of interests among the three, it must be established according to the market price the compensation standard. The management of the Expropriation of houses in urban renovation is the governmental administration. So the government must act in accordance with the law, neither inaction, nor action as the chaos. Therefore, only if that the government establish fluid communication channels, that dwellers and developers can fully grasp each other’s information to make a rational choice, and then the Game can form Nash equilibrium.
文章引用:孙洁. 城市更新房屋征收过程中利益主体博弈分析[J]. 可持续发展, 2013, 3(1): 17-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2013.31004
