An Assessment Method for Degree of DoS Attack against SCADA Communication Links in Power System
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2012.24019, PDF, 下载: 3,066  浏览: 8,714 
作者: 魏 勇:河北省电力公司,石家庄;王旭蕊*:华北电力大学电子与通信工程学院,保定
关键词: SCADADoS攻击安全评估贝叶斯网络SCADA; DoS Attack; Security Assessment; Bayesian Network
摘要: 文中介绍了SCADA通信系统DoS攻击模型,根据链路保护措施实施程度利用贝叶斯网络计算攻击者能够成功完成DoS攻击的概率。目的是利用该方法,通过对实际链路的计算,并对链路安全性做详细分析,可以帮助决策者更加直观的了解每个SCADA通信系统DoS攻击成功的概率,以及防御措施采取与否对DoS攻击成功的影响大小。最终使得决策者找到最有效的安全措施实现对通信链路的合理优化。
Abstract: This paper describes a DoS attack model of SCADA communication system, and calculates the probability of success DoS attack based on Bayesian network. After the calculation and analyze of actual link, decision maker can assess the probability of DoS success attack against the SCADA communication system, as well as counter measures against the attacks. Ultimately, decision maker can fide a most effective counter measure to optimize the communication link.
文章引用:魏勇, 王旭蕊. 一种电力SCADA通信链路DoS攻击程度的评估方法[J]. 智能电网, 2012, 2(4): 108-112. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SG.2012.24019


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