Research on the Implicit Attitude of Free Normal Student’s Identity
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2012.23018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,611  浏览: 10,716 
作者: 马文娟*, 李亚丹*, 冯廷勇*:西南大学心理学部;索 涛:河南大学教育科学学院;李 红:辽宁师范大学心理发展与教育研究中心
关键词: 免费师范生内隐态度内隐联想测验身份认同Free Normal Student; Implicit Attitude; Implicit Association Test; Identity
摘要: 运用内隐联想测验(IAT),研究不同身份被试(免费师范生vs非师范生)对免费师范生身份的内隐态度。结果显示:免费师范生对自身身份持积极态度,且男免费师范生对自身身份的内隐态度较女生更为积极;非师范女生对免费师范生身份有积极的内隐态度;相对于非师范生,免费师范生对自身身份的态度更为积极。说明免费师范生较为认同自身身份,对其有积极的态度,非师范生对免费师范生身份没有消极的态度。
Abstract: The study applied the implicit association test to explore different kinds of students’ attitude (free normal students vs non-normal students) toward free normal students’ identity. Results showed that free normal students had positive attitude toward their identity and males’ attitude were more positive than females’; female of non-normal students had positive attitude toward “free normal students’ identity”; compared with non-normal students, free normal students’ attitude were more positive. These suggested that free normal student have positive attitude toward their identity and non-normal students don’t have negative attitude toward free normal students’ identity.
文章引用:马文娟, 李亚丹, 索涛, 冯廷勇, 李红 (2012). 免费师范生身份的内隐态度研究. 心理学进展, 2(3), 110-115. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2012.23018


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