Isolation of Sperm Cells of Jatropha curcas L.
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2012.12006, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,865  浏览: 9,177  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 朱云, 陈美灵, 田惠桥*:厦门大学生命科学学院,厦门;何恩铭:福建省亚热带植物研究所,厦门
关键词: 麻疯树精细胞分离Jatropha curcas L.; Sperm; Isolation
摘要: 将麻疯树成熟花粉置于一定渗透剂溶液中,可使其破裂,释放出其中的一对精细胞。释放的精细胞在20~30 min后用FDA染色仍可显示具有活性的荧光。用显微操作仪将释放的精细胞收集,得到一定数量具有活性的精细胞群体。研究了不同渗透剂浓度下释放的精细胞状态,比较了不同渗透剂的精细胞释放率及保持精细胞活性的最适浓度,以7.5%的葡萄糖溶液分离麻疯树精细胞的最佳浓度。麻疯树精细胞的成功分离为其离体受精实验奠定了一定基础,也为研究麻疯树精细胞发育的分子生物学实验提供了材料。
Abstract: Mature pollen of Jatropha curcas L. was broken in solutions with different osmolalities, and re-leased its cytoplasmic content, including two sperms. The isolated sperms could keep viability fluorescence for 20 - 30 min and were collected to concentration using a micromanipulator. The state of isolated sperms in different osmolalities was analyzed. Optimal concentration of isolation solution was compared according to the isolated sperm number and its duration of keeping viability and 7.5% glucose was best for isolating the sperm cells. The sperm isolation of Jatropha curcas L. makes a basis for its reproduction engineering study and provides study material to research its sperm development.
文章引用:朱云, 陈美灵, 何恩铭, 田惠桥. 麻疯树精细胞分离[J]. 植物学研究, 2012, 1(2): 36-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BR.2012.12006


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