Chinese Traditional Antipsychotic Medicines Patent Analysis
DOI: 10.12677/ijpn.2012.12002, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,795  浏览: 13,663  科研立项经费支持
作者: 路璐, 吴艳芳, 潘艳娟, 吕琼琼, 杨俊*:新乡医学院药学院
关键词: 精神疾病中药中国专利统计分析
Mental Disease; Antipsychotic Medicine; Patent; Statistical Analysis
摘要: 精神疾病在我国发病率逐年上升,我国已成为该类疾病发病重灾区。国际上对于精神疾病的药物研究集中在西药部分,而中药作为我国瑰宝,在治疗精神疾病上有独到优势。本文以抗精神病药物的专利为研究方法,通过分析相关抗精神病药物发明专利,对我国抗精神病中药的药效与药材进行统计学分析,分析我国抗精神病药物的研究现状。结果发现抗精神病药物的中药专利大部分在中国出现,西药专利为国外居多,说明抗精神病中药市场潜力巨大,该类药物研究在国内尚处于起步阶段;补虚、理气、安神药材均占抗精神病中药配方总专利数百分比均大于10%,中药材中郁金、大黄、当归、甘草、木香和胆南星用量最多。本研究预示着中药处方学对于精神疾病研究方向,为研发新型抗精神病中药提供参考。
Abstract: Currently the number of mental illness increased in China, our country is the hardest area. International an-tipsychotic medicines research focuses on the part of western medicine. Chinese traditional medicines as a rarity in our country have unique advantage on antipsychotic diseases. This paper researched the Chinese patents of antipsychotics, through analysis inventive patents of antipsychotics, pesticide effect and medicinal materials, results research status of antipsychotic in our country. Results that Chinese traditional antipsychotic medicines patents most appeared in China, Western medicine patents showed in foreign countries mainly, which indicated that there might be a tremendous poten-tial market of Chinese traditional antipsychotic medicines. Some of Chinese traditional formulas including tonic drug, Qi regulating drug, nourishing heart tranquilization drug had more than 10% in percentage of total number of Chinese formulas patents of antipsychotics; Some of Chinese traditional drugs including Chinese Tulip, Chinese rhubarb, Chi-nese angelica, licorice root, aucklandia Lappa and bile star were the most used drugs in Chinese formulas patents of antipsychotics. The data suggested that Chinese medical prescription learn might be the way for mental disease treat-ment, which could provide reference for finding new Chinese traditional antipsychotic medicines.
文章引用:路璐, 吴艳芳, 潘艳娟, 吕琼琼, 杨俊. 抗精神病中药中国专利的分析[J]. 国际神经精神科学杂志, 2012, 1(2): 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ijpn.2012.12002


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