Role of NMDA Receptors Located in Dorsolateral-Pons and Ventrolateral-Pons Neurons in Hering-Breuer Reflex
DOI: 10.12677/HJBM.2012.24008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,613  浏览: 14,365  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 汪 慧*:山东科技大学信息与电气工程学院
关键词: 黑伯反射背侧脑桥腹侧脑桥大鼠Hering-Breuer Reflex; Dorsolateral-Pons; Ventrolateral-Pons; Rat
摘要: 黑伯反射又称为肺牵张感受器反射,是肺牵张感受器兴奋所导致的呼气延长与吸气缩短反应。电刺激迷走神经中枢端可以模拟该反射。我们前期研究发现,在腹侧脑桥,NMDA受体介导的递质传递可以对黑伯反射产生调节作用。本研究在前期研究基础上,以大鼠为实验对象,通过电刺激其迷走神经中枢端诱导出黑伯反射,分别向背侧脑桥及腹侧脑桥内微量注射NMDA受体阻断剂D-2-氨基-5-磷酸基戊酸(D-AP5),观察药物对黑伯反射的调节作用。结果表明,向背侧脑桥注射D-AP5后,黑伯反射的呼吸抑制效应明显增强,向腹侧脑桥注射D-AP5,黑伯反射的呼吸抑制效应明显削弱。NMDA受体介导的递质传递在背侧脑桥及腹侧脑桥对黑伯反射发挥方向相反的调节作用。
Abstract: Vagal stimulation evokes Hering-Breuer Reflex (HBR), which is characterized by inspiratory inhibition and expiratory prolongation. In this work, the role of NMDA receptors located in dorsolateral-pons and ventrolateral-pons were studied and compared by comparing the strength of this reflex before and after microinjecting D-AP5. Experi- ments were performed on urethane anesthetized adult rats. The HBR was simulated by electrical stimulation of the central end of cervical vagus nerve. We found that the HBR was strengthened after microinjection D-AP5 into dorsolateral-pons, while weakened after microinjection in ventrolateral-pons. This work shows that NMDA receptor mediated neurotransmissions both in dorsolateral-pons and ventrolateral-pons exert opposite effects on HBR.
文章引用:汪慧. 大鼠背侧脑桥及腹侧脑桥神经元NMDA受体在黑伯反射中的作用[J]. 生物医学, 2012, 2(4): 31-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJBM.2012.24008


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