Review on Assessing the Impacts of Clean Development Me-chanism (CDM) on the Regional Sustainable Development
DOI: 10.12677/CCRL.2012.13011, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,515  浏览: 13,101  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王 润*, 孙艳伟*, 刘 健, 刘文娟:中国科学院城市环境与健康重点实验室
关键词: 清洁发展机制(CDM)可持续发展技术转移综合评价Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); Sustainable Development; Technology Transfer; Comprehensive Assessment
摘要: 促进发展中国家的可持续发展(SD)是清洁发展机制(CDM)的核心内容。如何客观评价CDM项目对地区可持续发展的影响是清洁发展机制理论研究的重要命题,对于今后应对气候变化政策的制定具有重要意义。本文在已有国内外相关研究基础上,分别从可持续发展的内涵、综合评价的指标体系、评价的方法和主要结论等四个方面,全面论述了CDM对区域可持续发展的影响。另一方面,在CDM的发展目标中,技术转移是非常重要的一个衡量要素。本文基于CDM项目中技术转移的一般过程,构建了CDM项目对技术转移的贡献评价框架。文章旨在深化CDM对区域可持续发展影响的理解并为今后应对气候变化政策的制定提供参考。
Abstract: Promoting Sustainable Development (SD) for developing countries is the main objective of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). How to objectively evaluate the impacts of CDM projects on regional sustainable development is one of the critical issues of CDM, which has significance for the future actions addressing to climate change. Based on the recent related studies, this paper comprehensively reviews the impacts of CDM projects on regional sustainable development from the following aspects: the connotation of sustainable development, the comprehensive evaluation index system of sustainable development, evaluation methods and the main conclusions. Additionally, technology transfer is a very important issue in the sustainable development. In the last part an evaluation framework of contribution of CDM projects to technology transfer is provided. Main results of the previous studies are also presented. It is meaningful that the study can deepen the understanding of the impacts of CDM on regional sustainable development and therefore can provide a reference for the policy making in the future.
文章引用:王润, 孙艳伟, 刘健, 刘文娟. 清洁发展机制(CDM)对区域可持续发展评价综述[J]. 气候变化研究快报, 2012, 1(3): 87-95. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CCRL.2012.13011


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