Recovery and Application of Molybdenum from Waste Suspension Bed Catalyst
DOI: 10.12677/HJCET.2012.24021, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,278  浏览: 11,058 
作者: 罗立文*, 常 振, 郭 鹏, 张爱霞:中国石油大学理学院;李富刚, 郝 倩, 邓文安:中国石油大学化学化工学院
关键词: 废催化剂悬浮床焙烧浸取Molybdenum; Spent Catalyst; Suspension Bed; Calcination; Leaching
摘要: 本文研究了悬浮床加氢废催化剂中金属钼的回收利用。本文采用均匀实验设计的方法,按照加碱焙烧水浸出过滤酸中和法沉钼的程序进行了研究。本课题的目的是获得钼的最大回收率及其较优实验条件的确定。通过实验发现:碳酸钠焙烧阶段中,焙烧温度为600、焙烧时间为2 h、碳酸钠加入的物质的量的倍数为2.5,水浸取阶段中,浸取温度为95、浸取时间为2.5 h、浸取的液固比为4,钼的浸取率可以达到99.49%;沉钼阶段中,由于浸出液中Mo的浓度较低,滤液直接采用酸中和法沉钼,沉钼率为91.33%
Abstract: The main content of this study is the recycling of molybdenum in hydrogenation spent catalyst of suspension bed. This project use the method of uniform experiment design and the processing route is as follows: calcinations- leaching-purification-subsiding molybdenum, the purpose is to require the maximum recycle of molybdenum in the spent catalyst and the corresponding experiment condition. The results show that the maximum extraction rate of Mo is 99.49%. The conditions are that in the phase of calcination temperature is 600˚C, time is 2 h, the molar multiple of Na2CO3 is 2.5, the temperature of leaching is 95˚C, time is 2.5 h, the liquid-solid ratio of leaching is 4:1, in the phase of subsiding molybdenum the precipitation rate of Mo is 91.33% due to the relatively low concentration of Mo in the leaching solution.
文章引用:罗立文, 李富刚, 郝倩, 邓文安, 常振, 郭鹏, 张爱霞. 废悬浮床催化剂中钼的回收应用研究[J]. 化学工程与技术, 2012, 2(4): 117-121. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJCET.2012.24021


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