Awe and Individuals’ Development: Angels or Devils?
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2020.1011199, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 817  浏览: 1,133  国家社会科学基金支持
作者: 王 磊:武汉体育学院心理学系,湖北 武汉;江美霖:湖北经济学院法商学院文法系,湖北 武汉
关键词: 敬畏积极情绪消极情绪Awe Positive Emotions Negative Emotions
摘要: 敬畏是积极心理学提出的一种心理品质,一直被视为是一种积极情绪。目前有学者提出敬畏具有消极基调色彩。敬畏推动个体发展还是抑制个体发展?有学者认为,敬畏是一种积极情绪,会增加个体的道德感、亲社会性、幸福感。也有学者认为敬畏是一种消极情绪,会增加个体的焦虑、恐惧、无力感和防御心理。这两种观点的分歧主要是基于不同的敬畏特质视角。未来方向需要进一步从跨文化、社会环境、脑神经机制等方面更深层次地研究敬畏对个体的影响机制,并制定合理有效的敬畏培养机制,促进社会和个人的身心健康发展。
Abstract: Awe, a psychological trait proposed by positive psychology, has been regarded as a positive emotion. Currently, awe has also been presented with a negative tone. Can awe promote or inhibit individual development? On the one hand, awe is regarded as a positive emotion, which will increase the individuals’ moral sense, prosocial feeling and happiness. On the other hand, awe is regarded as a negative emotion, which will increase the individuals’ anxiety, fear, powerlessness and defensiveness. These two views are tested from different perspectives of awe trait. In the future, we should study the influence mechanism of awe on individuals from the aspects of cross-culture, social environment and brain neural mechanism, and formulate a reasonable and effective awe cultivation mechanism, then we can promote the healthy development of society and individuals.
文章引用:王磊, 江美霖 (2020). 敬畏与个体发展:天使还是恶魔?. 心理学进展, 10(11), 1711-1718. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2020.1011199


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