The Status Quo of Child-Rearing Practices of Parents Born in the 1980s and Relation to Parenting Locus of Control for Children
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2012.24035, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,913  浏览: 10,235 
作者: 江 姗*:华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院
关键词: 80后父母教养方式教育控制源Parents Born in the 1980s; Child-Rearing Practices; Parenting Locus of Control
摘要: 本文使用儿童抚养行为量表(The Child-Rearing Practices Report, CRPR)和子女教育心理控制源量表(The Parenting Locus of Control Scale, PLOC),以44280后父母为被试进行问卷调查,探讨80后父母对子女的教养方式现状及与教育心理控制源的关系。结果发现:1) 80后父母对子女的养育行为中,接受性行为的人数比例最大,其次是鼓励成就性行为,拒绝性行为的人数比例最小。2) 80后父母在教育子女成败的归因上,父母的责任因子得分最高,教育成效因子得分最低。3) 80后独生父母与非独生父母在CRPR的保护和担忧因子上差异显著,PLOC的子女对父母的控制和命运/机遇的信念两个因子上差异显著。4) CRPR的接受、鼓励成就、鼓励独立三个因子均与PLOC的父母的责任和子女的控制两个因子正相关,CRPR的拒绝、惩罚、保护和担忧三个因子均与PLOC的五个因子都有不同程度的正相关。
Abstract: To explore the status quo of child-rearing practices of parents born in the 1980s and its relationship to parenting Locus of control for children, a total of 442 parents born in the 1980s were investigated by using The Child-Rearing Practices Report (CRPR) and The Parenting Locus of Control Scale (PLOC). The results showed that: 1) In the child-rearing practices of parents born in the 1980s, the practice of acceptance had the largest proportion, followed by encouragement of achievement. The smallest percentage was the practice of rejection; 2) In the attribution of the success or failure of education for children, responsibility of parents had the highest scores, and parental efficacy had the lowest scores; 3) The parents who were only one child and the parents who were not only one child born in 1980s had significant difference of protection & concern (CRPR), control by child and fortune/chance; 4) Acceptance, encouragement of achievement and encouragement of independence of CRPR had significant positive correlates with responsibility of parents and control by child of PLOC. Rejection, punishment orientation and protection & concern of CRPR had significant positive correlates with all the five factors of PLOC.
文章引用:江姗 (2012). 80后父母子女教养方式的现状及与教育心理控制源的关系. 心理学进展, 2(4), 224-228. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2012.24035


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