Sino-American College Students’ Perception of Self and Ideal Partner Concerning Psychological Characters
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2012.24025, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 4,260  浏览: 17,081  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈 浩*, 刘依冉*:南开大学社会心理学系;马 颖*:北京大学心理学系
关键词: 理想伴侣中美大学生依恋风格性别角色自尊婚恋态度Ideal Partner; Sino-American College Student; Attachment Style; Gender Role; Self-Esteem; Marital Attitude
摘要: 理想伴侣研究一直亲密关系领域中的重要议题,但是依恋风格、性别角色、自尊和婚恋态度等心理特质较少在此领域讨论。本研究通过对664名中美大学生的问卷调查,分析了中美被试在这四方面的理想伴侣相对偏好,同时比较了性别差异和文化差异。结果发现,中美大学生被试都希望理想伴侣与自我相似,且对理想伴侣有较高期望;女性更重视关系保障性,男性更重视关系忠实度;女性的择偶标准更严苛。
Abstract: The ideal partner has long been a focus in the field of marital Psychology. However, reviewing the previous works, we found that researches were lack in the domains of sex role, attachment style, self-esteem and marital attitudes. So this research focused on these varibles and tested the relative preference of ideal partner. Also, gender difference and culture difference were compared. Questionnaire surveys were underway in both ChinaandAmerica. Results showed that both Chinese and American students expressed high expections on their ideal partners, and preferred ideal partners similar to themselves; female students had stricter standards of choosing mates than the male.
文章引用:陈浩, 马颖, 刘依冉 (2012). 中美大学生自我、理想伴侣心理特质的感知特征. 心理学进展, 2(4), 155-162. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2012.24025


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