Proven Ceases of “Reducing at Chu-Ke and Reinforcing at Zheng-Ke” Selection Points by Earth Meridian Ebb-Flowing Rule
DOI: 10.12677/TCM.2018.75051, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,127  浏览: 3,239 
作者: 罗本华:广西中医药大学针灸推拿学院,广西 南宁
关键词: 初刻正刻泻初补正纳支法Chu-Ke Zheng-Ke “Reducing at Chu-Ke and Reinforcing at Zheng-Ke” Selection Points by Earth Meridian Ebb-Flowing Rule
摘要: 经典高武纳支法运用时,存在实际困难的现实矛盾,本文介绍了一种全新的泻初补正纳支法,简介了其本经、异经和表里经脉的三种运用方法,例举了5个相应临床验案,初步实践检验该纳支开穴方法的科学法,并理论上粗析了其一定程度克服纳支开穴的现实矛盾。
Abstract: To overcome the practical contradiction of the practical difficulties in the application of the classic earth meridian ebb-flowing method, this article briefly described the method of “reducing at chu-ke and reinforcing at zheng-ke” selection points by earth meridian ebb-flowing rule. It includes the three used methods in the self-meridian, the other meridian and “the exterior and interior channels”, is preliminarily verified by five proven ceases, and is theoretically roughly analyzed to overcome the actual contradiction when using the branch.
文章引用:罗本华. 泻初补正纳支法临床运用举隅[J]. 中医学, 2018, 7(5): 298-301. https://doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2018.75051


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