A Review on the Practice and Research of Eco-Industrial Parks
DOI: 10.12677/aep.2011.11001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,629  浏览: 12,190  国家科技经费支持
作者: 王震*, 石磊
关键词: 产业生态学生态工业园工业共生
Industrial Ecology; Eco-Industrial Park; Industrial Symbiosis
摘要: 本文旨在从行动和理论两个层面,总结国内外目前生态工业园的实践现状和研究前沿。首先介绍了生态工业园的国内、外实践现状,并分析了其实践过程中面临的几个主要问题。其次,进一步结合国际产业生态学的研究动态,对生态工业园的一些新的理论研究方向,作了一系列的介绍(包括经济学、系统理论、社会学科等研究方向),并就生态工业园在实践中的几个热点方面做了归纳,其中包括概念在不同行业、区域中应用,以及在规划、政策等中的应用。最后,本文总结了几个当前生态工业园研究与应用三个的特点。
Abstract: From the views at practice and theory levels, this paper is aimed to summarize the current situations of eco-industrial parks (EIP) both in and out China. Firstly, two problems are concluded from reviewing the current initiatives of EIP. Secondly, based on tracking an international conference of industrial ecology, some directions of research at theoretical level are introduced, which includes economic, systemic, and sociological aspects. Thirdly, this paper summarizes some new trends of applying EIP concept into practice, such as in planning and managing local industrial sectors with specific regional backgrounds. Finally, three characters of current research on EIP are provided.
文章引用:王震, 石磊. 国内、外生态工业园实践及理论研究进展[J]. 环境保护前沿, 2011, 1(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/aep.2011.11001


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