Empirical Study on Guangdong Hi-Tech Listed Company M&A of Integration Performance
DOI: 10.12677/FIN.2017.75031, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,598  浏览: 2,907  科研立项经费支持
作者: 余鹏翼*, 余 言, 任晓雪:广东外语外贸大学会计学院,广东 广州
关键词: 并购整合公司绩效技术创新M&A of Integration Company Performance Technological Innovation
摘要: 广东已形成以创新为主要引领和支撑的经济体系和发展模式,大力培育发展高科技上市公司推动创新型产业集群式发展是当前急需解决的现实问题。随着广东高科技企业的快速扩张发展,越来越多的高科技企业选择通过兼并收购的方式提高自身竞争力,扩大市场竞争优势。本文以广东高科技企业为研究样本,通过对广东高科技企业并购整合绩效的分析,以期提高广东高科技企业并购整合绩效,为广东高科技上市公司的产业转型和产业升级提供决策参考。
Abstract: Guangdong has formed an economic system and development model that takes innovation as its main lead and support. To develop high-tech listed companies to accelerate the development of creative industry cluster is the current practical problems needed to resolve question. With the rapid expansion and development of high-tech enterprises in Guangdong, more and more high-tech enterprises have chosen to improve their competitiveness through mergers and acquisitions and expand their competitive advantages. In this paper, taking the Guangdong high-tech enterprises as the research samples, through the analysis of the Guangdong high-tech enterprises’ mergers and acquisitions performance, in order to improve the Guangdong high-tech enterprise merger integration performance.
文章引用:余鹏翼, 余言, 任晓雪. 广东高科技上市公司并购整合绩效的实证研究[J]. 金融, 2017, 7(5): 311-317.


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