The Perceptions on the Tourism Influence from the Community’s Stakeholder: A Case Study of the Shanghai Old Town Area
DOI: 10.12677/GSER.2017.64026, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,016  浏览: 5,485  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 郭砚涛:浙江省海盐县旅游委员会,浙江 海盐;林 涛:上海师范大学旅游学院,上海
关键词: 社区旅游利益相关者旅游影响感知态度上海老城厢Community Tourism Stakeholders Tourism Affect Perception The Shanghai Old City Historical Landscape Protecting Area (SOCHLPA)
摘要: 近年来,社区旅游的迅速发展,这种旅游活动给社区带来了深刻的影响。由于旅游活动对不同利益群体的影响程度不同,其各自对旅游活动影响存在着比较明显的感知态度差异。本文通过对上海老城厢历史文化风貌区旅游者、旅游从业者以及社区居民等3个核心利益相关者走访和问卷调查,对42个旅游影响感知测项进行了统计分析,采用主成分分析法梳理出7个旅游影响因子,并通过均值和方差分析测评了旅游者、旅游从业者和社区居民对旅游影响感知态度的差异。结果表明,在上海老城厢历史文化风貌区,第一,社区居民对旅游活动带来的影响感知最深刻,态度最强烈,旅游从业者居次,旅游者得分最低;这些核心旅游利益相关者肯定了旅游活动为社区经济、文化发展做出了巨大贡献;第二,社区居民和旅游从业者明显感知到社区为旅游发展付出了较大的环境和社会成本,且其在社区税收、管理水平和效果方面没有达到预期水平,这种“成本–收益”不公平的现象基本符合社会交换理论。因此,社区居民和旅游从业者感知到的更多旅游活动的消极影响;第三,旅游者主要感知到的是旅游活动对社区带来的积极影响。他们认为,旅游活动给社区带来了经济效益,而且这些利益直接或间接分配给了社区居民及旅游从业者。
Abstract: With the rapid development of community tourism in recent years, the significant affects have been resulted from such kind of activities. Due to the different affects of tourist activities on the stakeholders in one community, their perception on the affects from tourism activities varies great obviously. Based on the interviews and questionnaires to 3 key stakeholders, i.e. tourists, tourism practitioners and community residents, who are from the Shanghai Old City Historical Landscape Protecting Area(SOCHLPA), this paper studies 42 indices of perception on tourism impacts and teases out 7 factors through mean and variance analysis by Principal Component Analysis. The authors conclude that, 1) in the SOCHLPA, the overall perception on the impacts of tourism activities from the three tourism stakeholders is that the residents’ perception is the most profound, the tourism practitioners in second place and the tourists’ in the last place and these three core stakeholders affirmed that the tourism activities contribute greatly to the community; 2) the community residents and tourism practitioners clearly have perceived that the community pays great environmental and social costs for the community tourism, and they do not realize the an-ticipating taxation and well-management for the community, this “cost-benefit” unfair phenomenon satisfies the social exchange theory basically. Therefore, the community residents and the tourism practitioners perceive primarily the negative impacts from tourism activities; 3) the tourists have perceived a positive impact on communities from their own activities. They believe that the tourism activities bring a great economic benefit to the community, and these interests directly or indirectly contribute to the community residents and tourism practitioners.
文章引用:郭砚涛, 林涛. 社区利益相关者对旅游影响的感知:上海老城厢历史文化风貌区案例[J]. 地理科学研究, 2017, 6(4): 230-242. https://doi.org/10.12677/GSER.2017.64026


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