Reflection on Improvement and Innovation of the Operating Mechanism of Secondary Colleges in Colleges and Universities
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2017.76047, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,428  浏览: 2,253 
作者: 许广法*:齐鲁工业大学艺术学院,山东 济南
关键词: 二级学院运行机制思考Secondary College Operating Mechanism Reflection
摘要: 近几年来,多数高校实行了校院二级管理体制,特别对二级学院的管理体制和运行机制提出了相关规定,在很大程度上保证了二级学院工作的正常开展,促进了高校稳定和事业发展。但二级学院的管理体制和运行机制在实际工作中仍存在不少问题,迫切需要进行研究和探索。本文从素质建设、权力平衡、共同决策、核心保证、保障监督、工作考核等六个方面,提出了完善与创新高校二级学院运行机制的具体措施。
Abstract: In recent years, most colleges and universities have implemented the secondary college management system, and have especially formulated relevant provisions on the management system and operation mechanism of the secondary college, which to a large extent ensures the normal running of the secondary college work, and promotes the stability of colleges and universities and development of undertakings. However, in the practical work, there are still many problems existing in the management system and operation mechanism of the secondary college, and it is imperative to study and explore these problems. This paper puts forward the concrete measures to perfect the operation mechanism of the secondary college from the perspectives of quality construction, balance of power, common decision making, core guarantee, organization guarantee and work assessment.
文章引用:许广法. 完善与创新高校二级学院运行机制的思考[J]. 教育进展, 2017, 7(6): 307-312. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2017.76047


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