Research on Generation Characteristics of Mountainous Wind Power in Guizhou
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2017.75035, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,601  浏览: 3,222 
作者: 田年杰, 赵 倩, 姚 瑶:贵州电网有限责任公司电力调度控制中心,贵州 贵阳;张德亮, 黄红伟, 翟武悝*:北京清大科越股份有限公司,北京
关键词: 风电时间维度波动特性空间特性耦合特性Wind Power Time Dimension Fluctuation Characteristics Space Dimension Coupling Characteristics
摘要: 本文从时间、空间两个维度出发,研究了贵州山区风电的出力特性,以提升风功率预测、调度计划编制等相关业务水平。时间维度包括以季节为单位的长期尺度和以分钟为单位的短期尺度,长期尺度上侧重于风电电量变化特性,短期尺度上侧重于其出力波动特性。空间维度则主要用于研究贵州风电富集地区内相邻风电场在电量和电力两个层面的耦合特性。最后从调度运行管理的角度出发给出了一些建议和意见。
Abstract: The generation characteristics of mountainous wind power in Guizhou are analyzed from the dimensions of time and space in order to enhance wind power forecasting, dispatching scheduling and other related businesses. Time dimension includes a season-unit analysis as the long-term scales and a minutes-unit analysis as the short-term scales, in which the long-term analysis focuses on wind power generation change and the short-term analysis focuses on the generation curve. Space dimension is used for the study of power and generation coupling characteristics in wind enrichment area in Guizhou. Finally, some suggestions and comments are given from the perspective of dispatching operation management.
文章引用:田年杰, 赵倩, 姚瑶, 张德亮, 黄红伟, 翟武悝. 贵州山区风电出力特性研究[J]. 智能电网, 2017, 7(5): 313-320. https://doi.org/10.12677/SG.2017.75035


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