Journey to the West: The Creative Motivation and Literary Evaluation
DOI: 10.12677/ACPP.2017.62002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,532  浏览: 4,791 
作者: 熊 辉*:广州临观教育信息有限公司,广东 广州
关键词: 西游记虚实观念序跋文学评价Journey to the West Concept of Virtuality and Reality Preface and Postscript Literature Evaluation
摘要: 本文从两个方面评估《西游记》之问世对小说界引发“虚”与“实”观念革命之开创意义。首先,对陈元之“刊西游记序”进行诠释,分析序跋作者透过结构布局传达特定意旨的写作意图;其次,从其他小说序跋观察《西游记》在当时的文学评价,尝试阐发这些评价的生成底韵。
Abstract: In this paper, from two aspects, the beginning and its meanings for the Concept of Virtuality and Reality have been triggered in the "Journey to the West". Firstly, Chen Yuanzhi’ Preface to Publi-cation of Journey to the West is interpreted, and through the structure layout, the writing inten-tion, which conveys the specific purpose, of the author’s preface and postscript is analyzed. Secondly, observed from the prefaces and postscripts in other novels, we state some literature evaluation of the "Journey to the West", and attempt to elucidate the generation rhyme of these evaluations.
文章引用:熊辉. 《西游记》之创作动机及文学评价[J]. 哲学进展, 2017, 6(2): 9-13. https://doi.org/10.12677/ACPP.2017.62002


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