On the Thought of Humanistic Pragmatism in the Study of Zhao Yi’s Historiography
DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2017.52002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,860  浏览: 3,660  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王云庆, 高雪华:山东大学历史文化学院,山东 济南
关键词: 赵翼《廿二史札记》经世致用文献编纂乾嘉学派Zhao Yi Reading Notes of Twenty-Two Historical Books Humanistic Pragmatism Literature Compilation Qian Jia School
摘要: 在考据盛行的乾嘉时期,赵翼自觉继承了中国史学经世致用的优良传统,超越了对历代正史、文字史实、典章制度、地理沿革的单纯考证,着眼于社会现实的变化趋势及治乱兴衰的内在原因,与同时代其他考证史学家相比具有明显的经世致用的旨趣。本文从赵翼的生平、文献编纂思想和特点出发,探讨了经世致用思想对赵翼文献编纂活动的影响。
Abstract: In the textual research period of qianjia, Zhao Yi consciously inherited the fine tradition of Chinese history: Humanistic pragmatism. Beyond the pure research past dynasties official system, geographical origin, historical facts and judgments, he focused on the change trend of social reality and internal causes of the rise and fall of governing revolution. Compared with other historians in the contemporary, he had obvious practical purport. This article starts from Zhao Yi’s life, literature compilation thought and characteristic, discussing the influence of the thought of humanistic pragmatism on the compilation of Zhao Yi literature.
文章引用:王云庆, 高雪华. 论赵翼史学研究中的经世致用思想[J]. 历史学研究, 2017, 5(2): 7-13. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2017.52002


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