Design and Application Process of Shared Smart Parking Lock
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2017.64023, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,822  浏览: 6,590 
作者: 王梦玉, 段满珍:华北理工大学建筑工程学院,河北 唐山
关键词: 共享型车位锁APP停车位Sharing Parking Lock APP Parking Spaces
摘要: 随着经济的发展,私人汽车的数量暴增,公共停车位的数量严重短缺与大量私人停车位空闲的现象并存。因此提出了一种基于手机APP来进行应用的共享型智能车位锁,以缓解停车位需求与供给之间的矛盾,并对共享型智能车位锁的操作流程进行了简单的介绍。
Abstract: With the development of the economy, the number of private cars has exploded, and the number of public parking spaces is very short and there are lots of private parking spaces. So a shared smart parking lock is proposed based on a mobile phone APP, to alleviate the contradiction be-tween parking demand and supply. This article makes a brief introduction to the operation flow of the shared smart parking lock.
文章引用:王梦玉, 段满珍. 共享型智能车位锁的设计及其应用流程[J]. 交通技术, 2017, 6(4): 175-178. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2017.64023


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