The Theory of Compressibility Ether
DOI: 10.12677/MP.2017.74013, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,002  浏览: 6,120 
作者: 胡昌伟*:北京相对论研究联谊会,北京;上海市老科技工作者协会,上海
关键词: 可压缩性以太时空观定量效应虚粒子宇观以太场Compressibility Ether Space-Time Theory Quantitative Effects Virtual Particles Cosmoscopic Ether Field
摘要: 物理真空被称为以太,它是一种可压缩的超流体。绝对时空观与相对论性时空观是两种不同性质的时空观,前者是不受任何介质作用的纯粹的时空观;而后者是透过以太看世界的结果,是一种物质性的时空观,两者之间存在着对应关系。相对论性效应是宏观以太的可压缩性效应,由此可以描述相对论的物理机制,并指出它的局限性。量子效应是微观以太与微观实物之间相互作用的结果。对微观以太及其与粒子之间的关系提出了新的看法。暗物质现象被认为是以太宇观作用的表现,并对宇观以太场作用的数学描述做了初步尝试。
Abstract: The physical vacuum is called Ether; it is a compressible superfluid. Absolute and relativistic space-time theories are two different space-time theories in nature. The former is a pure space- time theory that does not be influenced by any medium; and the latter, which is a material space- time theory, is the result observing world through ether. There are corresponding relations be-tween these two space-time theories. Relativistic effects are compressibility effects of macroscopic ether; their physical mechanism and the scope of application will be described. Quantum effects are the results of interaction between microscopic ether and objects (the matter with mass). The new ideas of relationship among microscopic ether and particles will be put forward. It is considered that the phenomenon of dark matter is a representation of cosmoscopic interaction of ether. There has a try at the mathematical description of cosmoscopic ether field’s interaction.
文章引用:胡昌伟. 可压缩性以太论[J]. 现代物理, 2017, 7(4): 112-133. https://doi.org/10.12677/MP.2017.74013


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