Henry Fielding’s Theory of Novel and Its Practice in The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2017.52004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,029  浏览: 4,726 
作者: 童 威:武汉大学,湖北 武汉
关键词: 亨利•菲尔丁《汤姆•琼斯》服务读者引导读者Henry Fielding Tom Jones Serving the Reader Guiding the Reader
摘要: 作为18世纪英国小说家中的代表人物,亨利•菲尔丁及其小说理论对英国小说的确立和发展产生了深远的影响。菲尔丁著有五部小说,《汤姆•琼斯》是其代表作。本文将在文本分析的基础上,试图探讨在《汤姆•琼斯》一书中,菲尔丁是如何运用他关于作者与读者的关系这一理论的。一方面,作者服务读者,为读者带来乐趣。另一方面,作者引导读者,认识自己,受到教益,理解小说所传达的情感与现实意义。正是以这样一种方式,一种亲密的关系在作者与读者之间悄然建立。
Abstract: As a representative of English novelists in the 18th century, Henry Fielding and his theory of novel exerted a far-reaching influence on the development of English novel. Henry Fielding wrote five novels in all, with The History of Tom Jones, A foundling as his masterpiece. Based on text interpretation, this paper attempts to discuss how Henry Fielding applied his theory of the relationship between the author and the reader in The History of Tom Jones, A foundling. On one hand, the author serves the reader, and brings happiness to them. On the other hand, the author guides the reader, and helps them get a better understanding of what is expressed in the book. It is in this way that an intimate connection is built between the author and the reader.
文章引用:童威. 从《汤姆•琼斯》看菲尔丁的长篇小说理论及其实践[J]. 世界文学研究, 2017, 5(2): 25-29. https://doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2017.52004


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