Analysis on Psychological Well-Being of Disabled Elders in the Healthy Aging and Medical Model—Qualitative Evidence from Beijing Qinan Community
DOI: 10.12677/AR.2017.42003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,259  浏览: 4,728 
作者: 龚 达:中国社会科学院研究生院近代史系,北京;宁 君:昆士兰大学商学院,昆士兰 布里斯班
关键词: 医养结合居家养老失能老人老年心理健康Healthy Aging and Medical Model Home-Based Care Disabled Elders Psychological Well-Being
摘要: 为了深入了解老年人在失能阶段的心理健康问题,笔者参与走访了北京市汽南社区居家养老模式下的十余位老人及其照料者,通过访谈分析法,提出了老年人四阶段失能理论,并分析了每一阶段老年人不同的心理状态以和出现的心理健康问题,并针对居家养老这一医养结合模式,提出了应对老年人心理健康问题的建议。
Abstract: To research further in the psychological well-being of disabled elders, our team interviewed a few elders who were looked after under the model of home-based care living in the Qinan community in Beijing. A qualitative method of interview analysis was applied to construct a four-stage disabled-delusional theory and the several potential psychological problems under every stage were analyzed. In the end, some proposals were prompted to optimize home-based care model and lull the elders’ psychological problems under the instruction of four-stage theory.
文章引用:龚达, 宁君. 居家养老模式下的失能老年人心理健康状况分析——以北京市汽南社区为例[J]. 老龄化研究, 2017, 4(2): 11-25. https://doi.org/10.12677/AR.2017.42003


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