Research of Multi-Objective Optimization Based Algorithm for Docker-Microservices Placement
DOI: 10.12677/AIRR.2017.62006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,128  浏览: 6,427  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 夏天宇, 江敏:福建省类脑计算技术及应用重点实验室(厦门大学);徐姜琴*:厦门大学外文学院
关键词: Docker微服务人工蜂群算法分布估计算法Docker Micro-Services Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Estimation of Distribution Algorithm
摘要: Docker是一个开源的云计算应用容器引擎,由于可以使数量巨大的应用程序在已有的服务器上运行,因此受到广泛的关注。将Docker技术与微服务相结合可以显著改善性能,但是也带来了如何有效部署的问题。本文在分布式估计算法和人工蜂群算法的基础上,提出了一个称为MOMDA-ABC的算法。该算法可以优化部署微服务的Docker容器间的通信距离和主机数,从而使得云计算平台的性能有效提升。实验结果也证明该方法的有效性。
Abstract: Docker is an open-source cloud computing application container engine, because it can make a large number of applications run on the existing server, thus attracting a wide range of attention. Com-bining Docker technology with micro services can significantly improve performance, but it also brings about the problem of how to effectively deploy. In this paper, an algorithm called MOMDA-ABC is proposed based on distributed estimation algorithm and artificial bee colony algo-rithm. The algorithm can optimize the communication distance and host number between Docker containers that deploy micro services, which can improve the performance of cloud computing platform effectively. The experimental results also prove the effectiveness of the method.
文章引用:夏天宇, 徐姜琴, 江敏. 基于多目标优化的Docker-微服务部署研究[J]. 人工智能与机器人研究, 2017, 6(2): 41-55. https://doi.org/10.12677/AIRR.2017.62006


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