The Status and Analysis of E-Commerce in Chinese Small and Micro Businesses—Enterprises Survey in Shenyang Region Based on TAM Frame
DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2017.62002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,818  浏览: 4,081 
作者: 李江予*, 魏立:北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院,北京;冯勇, 宋丽丽:辽宁大学信息学院,辽宁 沈阳
关键词: 小微企业电子商务应用状况TAM沈阳地区Small and Micro Businesses E-Commerce Application TAM Shenyang
摘要: 本研究基于技术接受理论(TAM)的模型,以辽宁沈阳地区小微企业为主要研究对象,调查他们对于电子商务及其价值的认识、电子商务应用能力(应用电子商务的困难)、外部环境的影响(政府和本行业其他企业的影响)、电子商务意愿和应用行为等特征。研究发现:小微企业都介入了某种电子商务应用了,其电子商务意愿普遍较高,但对电子商务的概念及其价值认知、电子商务应用类别和投入意愿方面处于最初级状态并且具有显著的多样性和两级分化特征,业界同行对于他们认识和参与电子商务策略影响最大,政府的倡导作用式微,对电子商务的理解、电子商务人才因素、既有信息基础是他们电子商务能力的最主要制约因素。本文基于此提出了促进小微企业电子商务发展的建议。
Abstract: Targeting mainly to small and micro businesses (SMBs) in Shenyang, based on technology Accep-tance Model (TAM), a study is made on SMBs’ e-commerce knowledge, recognition of e-commerce value, capability of using e-commerce (difficulties they encountered), e-commerce environment (influence of government and other companies in same industry to SMBs), willingness and strategy of using e-commerce etc. The study shows that most SMBs applied a certain kind of e-commerce, but their understanding towards E-commerce concept, value and motivation, their investment and efforts input are at very early stage, sometimes goes into very opposite extremes, mostly peers in same or similar industries play a leading influence role in their recognition and participant in E-commerce. However, government’s role is not that obvious and significance, further finding is that the lacking of understanding of E-commerce concept, talent shortage and current information structure are the main disadvantage for them to prevent E-commerce from developing faster. Based on this knowledge, this paper proposed few solving solutions and strategies of E-commerce for SMBs.
文章引用:李江予, 魏立, 冯勇, 宋丽丽. 小微企业电子商务应用问题研究—基于ATM框架的沈阳地区企业调查[J]. 电子商务评论, 2017, 6(2): 11-18. https://doi.org/10.12677/ECL.2017.62002


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