Teaching Reform and Practice of the Course of Forest Mensuration—A Case Study of Southwest Forestry University
DOI: 10.12677/VE.2017.62011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,764  浏览: 4,531  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王俊峰:西南林业大学教务处,云南 昆明
关键词: 测树学教学改革实践考核Forest Measurement Reform in Education Practice Assessment
摘要: 测树学是一门实践性很强,多学科交叉的专业基础课程。为培养高素质创新性、应用型人才,有必要对课程的教学过程进行改革。根据多年的教学实践,从教学内容、课程实验、教学方法、考核方式等4个方面入手,采取了一系列措施,课程教学效果良好。
Abstract: Forest measurement is a practical and interdisciplinary basic course. It is necessary to reform the teaching process in order to cultivate high quality innovative and applied talents. According to the teaching practice of many years, we have adopted a series of measures from 4 aspects: teaching content, course experiment, teaching method and examination method, and the effects are good.
文章引用:王俊峰. 测树学课程的教学改革与实践—以西南林业大学为例[J]. 职业教育, 2017, 6(2): 56-60. https://doi.org/10.12677/VE.2017.62011


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