An Empirical Analysis about Board Independence and Financial Performance of Insurance Companies —Based on American Insurance Market
DOI: 10.12677/MSE.2017.61004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,847  浏览: 4,046  国家科技经费支持
作者: 寇业富:中央财经大学中国精算研究院,北京;赵建川:中央财经大学保险学院,北京
关键词: 董事会独立性财务绩效公司治理美国保险公司Board Independence Financial Performance Corporate Governance American Insurance Company
摘要: 董事会独立性是董事会充分发挥治理功能的关键条件,但是研究保险公司董事会独立性对公司治理影响的文献却并不多见。基于数据的可得性与完备性,选用美国上市保险公司2009~2015年的有关数据,运用相关性分析、回归分析等方法对公司董事会独立性与财务绩效的关系进行研究。研究发现美国上市寿险公司独立董事比例与财务绩效呈现显著的负相关关系,而非寿险公司呈现不显著的正相关关系;无论是寿险公司还是非寿险公司,公司的领导权结构与财务绩效之间都呈现出不显著的正相关关系。
Abstract: The board independence is a key condition for the board to give full play to governance functions, but the studies on the influence of board independence to corporate governance of insurance companies are rare. Based on the availability and completeness of data, this paper uses the relevant data of US listed insurers from 2009 to 2015, and uses the methods of correlation analysis and regression analysis to study the relationship between board independence and financial performance. This paper draws the following conclusions: the proportion of independent directors in US listed life insurers is significantly negatively correlated with financial performance, while non-life insurers show no significant positive correlation; whether in life insurance companies or non-life insurance companies, the leadership structure and financial performance are not significant positive correlation.
文章引用:寇业富, 赵建川. 保险公司董事会独立性与财务绩效的实证分析—基于美国保险市场的研究[J]. 管理科学与工程, 2017, 6(1): 20-27. https://doi.org/10.12677/MSE.2017.61004


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