Analysis of the Discourse of Description in La Routes des Flandres
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2017.51001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,483  浏览: 3,992 
作者: 吴恭超:厦门大学外文学院,福建 厦门
关键词: 静态描述动态描述元语言标志Static Description Dynamic Description Metalanguage Markers
摘要: 在新小说派作家眼里,描述成了装饰体系的材料、文本生成动力和排除某些有害价值观念的工具。法国作家克洛德•西蒙(Claude Simon)在其作品《弗兰德公路》中,娴熟地运用描述技巧,对战争环境进行了多角度、全方位的描写,淡化故事情节,将人物溶解于背景之中,成功地为读者展现了一幅幅生动形象的立体画作,犹使读者身临其境。读者在获得感性认识之后,掩卷之余,不禁对战争有了更深层次的理性思考。
Abstract: The New Novel (Nouveau Roman in French) considers the discourse of description materials of the decoration system, a driving force of text generation and tools to exclude disfavored values. The French writer Claude Simon has successfully adopted descriptive skills in La Route des Flandres and describes the war-environment from various perspectives. With the plot minimized and characters integrated into the background, he presents vivid and stereo pictures to readers. After obtaining perceptual knowledge, readers may have profound conceptual thinking about the war.
文章引用:吴恭超. 浅析《弗兰德公路》中的描述话语[J]. 世界文学研究, 2017, 5(1): 1-6. https://doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2017.51001


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