Buying One More Car or Changing a New Car? —Analysis of Car Buyers and Their Demands
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2017.71004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,659  浏览: 9,450 
作者: 姜书琴, 李亚芳, 张文静:东风汽车公司技术中心商品企划部,湖北 武汉
关键词: 增购换购用户特征用户需求Buying One More Car Changing a New Car Consumer Characteristics The Demands of Car Buyers
摘要: 随着汽车保有量不断提升,中国乘用车市场正逐步由一个成长型市场向成熟市场过度。未来中国增换购市场会成为汽车新的增长点。那么增购和换购人群有什么特征?他们何时会考虑出手买车?再次购车时有何需求?增购和换购车型有何差异?这对于汽车厂商具有重要意义。以往研究着重从增换购这个总体市场去研究分析,而没有再深入分析增购和换购的差异。根据调查结果显示,增购和换购市场用户、需求等都有明显的差异。本文在增换购市场的基础上进行细分,具体研究增购和换购的差异。
Abstract: With the increase of car ownership, passenger cars market of China is in a transition from a growing market to a mature market. Repurchases of passenger cars market will become a new increasing point in China in the future. Then what are the characteristics of repurchase people? When will they repurchase a car? What do they need when they repurchase a car? What are the differences between buying one more car and changing a new car? These questions are important for car manufacturers. Previous studies focused on the overall repurchase market and had no in-depth analysis of the differences between buying one more car and changing a new car. According to the survey results, there are significant differences between buying one more car and changing a new car. So this study focuses on the difference between buying one more car and changing a new car.
文章引用:姜书琴, 李亚芳, 张文静. 增购还是换购?—汽车用户、需求解析[J]. 现代市场营销, 2017, 7(1): 35-39. https://doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2017.71004


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